01.01 is an art platform offering a more conscious and sustainable way of acquiring contemporary art, focusing on African and African Diaspora´s production. Created by African/Brazilian artists and curators, we are supported by institutions in UK (Bockantaj- England), Portugal (Galeria ILHA DO GRILO -Lisbon) and Ghana (Ghanaian Foundation For Contemporary Art). Our aim is to reverse ancient slavery trade routes into a cultural exchange circuit promoting fair ways of collecting and consuming art. Before the limitations regarding the tools for reading and experiencing contemporary art and its relation with worldwide silenced cultures, the 01.01 platform emerges as a project where the art market and its components are committed to create a new global environment. Concerned to present a solid experience, our activities enable a enormous circulation of artworks, artists and critical content generating not only visibility, but a selected and engaged family of collectors. Therefore, adding value to such productions we promote emerging artists and intensify the research of established ones. In other hand by connecting this process with collectors, we promote a active art network where is possible not only consuming art but also taking part in a greater venture by creating a healthier market for all. Our goal is to create a new art experience that reconnects collectors with artists in new world projects.
Our activities comprehend: residencies, exhibitions, acquisition of artwork, art advisory, symposiums, publications and educational programs for art acquisition. We are:

Ana Beatriz Almeida
Ana Beatriz Almeida (Niteroi, 1987) is a PhD student in museology at Leicester University, holds a master's degree in History and Aesthetics of Art from MAC / USP - University of São Paulo and is a co-founder of 01.01 Art Platform - the first Brazilian institution to promote the representation and contextualization of black artists formed by black intellectuals. Ana Beatriz Almeida is a visual artist and researcher on African and diaspora manifestations. She has extensive experience in teaching art history and decoloniality, having worked at Parque Lage. She is currently a curatorial consultant at MAC / Niterói. In 2018, she taught the Black Feminism-Berkley University Summer Program Abroad course. She exhibited in the group show Catching the Invisible in the OFF itinerary at the Dakar Biennial in 2024, as well as exhibited at I-54 by Verve Galeria in the same year. In 2021, she was nominated for the Pipa Prize and, together with the platform, conceived the first museological plan for decolonial conservation based on ritual works by Mestre Didi and Abdias do Nascimento. She was a guest curator at Glasgow International 2020 (postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic). She also worked as a junior researcher for UNESCO. Her latest work as a curator is ANCESTRAL, the exhibition with the largest number of Afro-Brazilian and Afro-American artists in history, celebrating 200 years of diplomatic relations between Brazil and the United States.
Moisés Patrício
Visual Artist graduated at the University of São Paulo. Moisés Patrício works with photography, video, performance, rituals, and installations dealing with elements from Latin, Afro-Brazilian and African cultures. Exhibitions: “Afro-Atlantic Stories” at MASP and Instituto Tomie Ohtake (São Paulo, 2016), ‘Dakar Biennale” at the Museum of African Arts (Senegal, 2016), "Afro-Brazilian New Hand" at Afro Museum Brazil (São Paulo, SP, 2014), "Paper of Silk" at the Institute of Research and Memory New Blacks - IPN Memorial Museum (Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 2014), “Metropolis: Paulista Experience”, Estação Pinacoteca, curator Tadeu Chiarelli, São Paulo - SP, "OSSO Exhibition - appeal to the broad right of defense of Rafael Braga", curator Paulo Miyada, Tomie Ohtake Institute (São Paulo, SP, 2017) and "Purity is a myth: the monochrome in contemporary art", Galeria Nara Roesler, curator Michael Asbury. Moises also coordinates, since 2006, collective actions in cultural spaces at the city of São Paulo, SP.


Alexandre dos Anjos
Ana Beatriz Almeida
Anderson Ac
Antonio Oloxode
Doidão Bahia
Dona Cici
Dona Dalva
Francolino Reginaldo
Gabriella Marinho
João Simões
Marcos da Matta
May Agontinme
Melvin Edwards
Micaela Cyrino
Moisés Patrício
Pamina Sebastião
Rafael BQueer
Raphael Cruz
Renata Felinto
Roger Cipó
Sekai Machache
Shai Andrade
Thiago Consp
Thulani Rachia
Yhuri Cruz
MAC Niterói Patrons Programme

An unique composition of patron board that reflects the fusion between global ethics / aesthetics manifastations and the comitment to promote a 'democratic right of inhereting of the world" as said by Franz Fanon. Synchronized with the archtecture concept of Niemeyer for this institution, the board intends to fill the iconic building with soul. Designed to be a blank paper to be filled by the diversity of world cultures that sums up Brazil. MAC Niteroi expands its calling by invinting an international selected group of people able to manifest it at the world scenario. The 2023/24 Patrons'programme is an invitation for rethinking and re-reading contemporary art during a 1-year-journey . A revolutionary artistic experience south oriented in an entirely new board, to be formed under the mark of innovation and philanthropism directed to an international artistic agenda aligned with decolonial practices.The 0101 Art Platform Institute developed this one year program for MAC Niterói and the Association of Friends of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Niterói (AAMAC) in order to establish an innovative curatorial and institutional line in the ethical and historical sense, expanding form, concept and critical-social perspective on contemporary art.
Death & Life Art Residency

The purpose of this residency is to promote a creative immersion in the town that was the biggest port in Latin America during the global trade of enslaved human trafficking during the 18th and early 19thcenturies. The residency takes place during the 16 days culminating at the end with an understanding of the whole cycle of festivals and collective rituals. The intention is to promote an active dialogue between the land, the architectural memories and humans agency over it.
Within the promotion of both life experience and formal research, the project aims to explore this counter-necropower during its most intense period with an intergenerational dialogue between three huge masters of African Contemporary Art and young African Diasporic artists/researchers connected with this logical system. The greatest interest of this residency is to connect knowers of non-hegemonic ethics and aesthetics who are directly affected by colonialism and understand it as a crime against humanity. During the first edition the following artists were part of the Residency: Melvin Edwards, Helen Sebidi , Kapela Paulo, Alberta Whittle, Ana Beatriz Almeida, Sabrina Henry, Moises Patricio and Sekai Machache.

The Art Investors Lab
A space with curators, researchers and artists where collectors are invited to access the conceptual background of the artwork and take part in new projects. These labs are spaces to create healthier, more sustainable and vivid experiences of acquiring art. During the activities, art collectors not only have access to exclusive artworks but they are also encouraged to acknow the social and cultural context implied on them. The intention of such events is to engage and inspire collectors to the artistic productions.
The Re-inventing Life Workshops
In order to unveil silenced logics during the colonialism, this space is dedicated to decrease the distance between the art productions and other expressions spreaded all over the world during the trade of slavered human beings. The workshops are consolidated worldwide as residences, reuniting cultural leaders, artists, curators and art collectors members of the platform.

The Artistic Advisor Clinic
The Advisor Clinic intends to support emerging artists attending their creative processes. This project orientates the attendants regarding their research and organization of their production in order to speed up their development.
New World Projects
Composed by a complex network of artists, curators, collectors, art spaces and thinkers from the Atlantic region, our exhibitions present themes and necessities driven by the relation of our members with the market and society. These intend to be more than art shows displaying the efforts of our members in building up a new world.

Our network of thinkers, proponents and cultural spaces is present on four continents. The 01.01 platform is the result of the collaboration with the following institutions: